详细阐述德国DIN EN ISO11997-1循环腐蚀测试标准的试验方法和步骤

日期:08-07  点击:  属于:标准释疑
DIN EN ISO11997-1循环腐蚀测试标准是德国标准化协会发布的色漆和清漆.耐周期性腐蚀条件的测定.第1部分:湿(盐雾)/干/潮湿(ISO 11997-1-2005),下文摘录讲解其核心试验方法和步骤

德国DIN EN ISO11997-1循环腐蚀测试标准及复合盐雾测试方法

Cycle A

C.1 Salt fog test solution盐雾试验溶液

Prepare the spray solution as described in Clause 5 by dissolving sodium chloride in water to give a concentration of (50±10)g/l .The PH of the solution shall be in the range 6 to 7.

C.2 Cycle

Set up the cabinet to perform the following cycle设置盐雾箱执行以下循环
Step Time h Temp Condition Notes
1 2 35±2 Salt spray  
2 4 60±2 Dry:20-30%  
3 2 50±2 Wet:95%RH or over  
4 Go back to step 1 This makes a total cycle time of 8h from step1 to step3
  Transtition time(ie time allowed to reach the temperature and relative humidity specified for a condition after changing to that condition): From salt spray to dry:within 30min
From dry to wet:within 150 min
From wet to salt spray:within 30min
The effect of the salt spray will,in principle,be instaneous。
For details of drying-air flow,see 6.4

C.3 Salt fog depsiton rate盐雾沉降率

The salt fog deposition rate shall be 1ml/h to 2ml/h,when the salt fog iscollected over a 24h period (see Clause 10)

C 4 Duration持续时间

Unless otherwise agreedrepeat the test cycle for 30 cycles(240h),60cycles(240h),90cycles(720h) or 180cycles(1440h)

Cycle B

C.1 Salt fog test solution盐雾试验溶液

Prepare the spray solution as described in Clause 5 by dissolving sodium chloride in water to give a concentration of (50±10)g/l .The PH of the solution shall be in the range 6 to 7.

C.2 Cycle

Set up the cabinet to perform the following cycle. 设置盐雾箱执行以下循环。
Step Time h Temp Condition notes
1 24 35±2 Salt fog  
2 8 40±2 100%RH Water condensing on test panels
3 16 23±2 50±20%RH  
4 8 40±2 100%RH Water condensing on test panels
5 16 23±2 50±20%RH  
6 8 40±2 100%RH Water condensing on test panels
7 16 23±2 50±20%RH  
8 8 40±2 100%RH Water condensing on test panels
9 16 23±2 50±20%RH  
10 48 23±2 50±20%RH  
11 Go back to step 1 This makes the total cycle time 7 days from step1 to step10.
NOTE  Set points and operational fluctuations can be listed either independently of each other or in the formatset point±operational fluctuations.The set point is the target condition for the sensor when used at the operational control point as programmed by the user.Operational fluctuations are deviations from the indicated set point at the control point indicated by the readout of the calibrated control sensor during equilibrium operation and do not include measurement uncertainty.At the operational control point , the user programmes that exat number . The operational fluctuations specified for that set point do not imply that the user is allowed to programme a set point higher or lower than the exact set point specified.

C 3 Salt fog depsiton rate盐雾沉降率

The salt fog deposition rate shall be 1ml/h to 2ml/h,when the salt fog iscollected over a 24h period (see Clause 10)

C 4 Duration持续时间

Unless otherwise agreedrepeat the test cycle for 840 h

Cycle C

C.1 Salt fog test solution盐雾试验溶液

Prepare the spray solution as described in Clause 5 by dissolving sodium chloride in water to give a concentration of (0.31±0.01)g/l and (4.1±0.01)g/l respectively  .The PH of the solution shall be in the range 6 to 7.

C.2 Cycle

Set up the cabinet to perform the following cycle. 设置来执行以下循环。
Step Time min Temp Condition notes
1 210 30±2 Salt fog  
2 210 40±2 Dry Drying-air purge(see 6.4)
3 1470 40±2 75±15%RH One method of achieving this conditon is to alternate the dry and humid cycles for suitable(short)time periods to keep the RH between the limits specified
4 102 30±2 Dry Drying-air purge(see 6.4)
5 210 30±2 Salt fog  
6 378 30±2 90% to 100%RH Water condensing on test panel
7 180 35±2 Dry Drying-air purge(see 6.4)
8 120 25±2 Dry  
9 Go back to step 1 This makes the total cycle time 48h from step1 to step8.
NOTE  Set points and operational fluctuations can be listed either independently of each other or in the formatset point±operational fluctuations.The set point is the target condition for the sensor when used at the operational control point as programmed by the user.Operational fluctuations are deviations from the indicated set point at the control point indicated by the readout of the calibrated control sensor during equilibrium operation and do not include measurement uncertainty.At the operational control point , the user programmes that exat number . The operational fluctuations specified for that set point do not imply that the user is allowed to programme a set point higher or lower than the exact set point specified.

C 3 Salt fog depsiton rate盐雾沉降率

The salt fog deposition rate shall be 2ml/h to 4ml/h,when the salt fog iscollected over a 24h period (see Clause 10)

C 4 Duration持续时间

Unless otherwise agreedrepeat the test cycle for1000h

Cycle D

C.1 Salt fog test solution盐雾试验溶液

Prepare the spray solution as described in Clause 5 by dissolving sodium chloride in water to give a concentration of (50±10)g/l .The PH of the solution shall be in the range 6 to 7.

C.2 Cycle

Set up the cabinet to perform the following cycle,设置执行如下下循环
Step Time h Temp Condition Notes
1 0.5 30±2 Salt spray  
2 1.5 30±2 Wet:(95±3%RH  
3 2 50±2 Hot dry  
4 2 30±2 Warm dry  
5 Go back to step 1 This makes a total cycle time of 6h from step1 to step4
  Transtition timeie time allowed to reach the temperature and relative humidity specified for a condition after changing to that condition): From salt spray to wetwithin 10min
From wet to hot drywithin 15 min
From hot dry to salt warm drywithin 30min
From salt warm dry to salt sprayinstaneous
NOTE  Set points and operational fluctuations can be listed either independently of each other or in the formatset point±operational fluctuations.The set point is the target condition for the sensor when used at the operational control point as programmed by the user.Operational fluctuations are deviations from the indicated set point at the control point indicated by the readout of the calibrated control sensor during equilibrium operation and do not include measurement uncertainty.At the operational control point , the user programmes that exat number . The operational fluctuations specified for that set point do not imply that the user is allowed to programme a set point higher or lower than the exact set point specified.

C 3 Salt fog depsiton rate盐雾排放率

The salt fog deposition rate shall be 1ml/h to 2ml/h,when the salt fog iscollected over a 24h period (see Clause 10)

C 4 Duration持续时间

Unless otherwise agreedrepeat the test cycle for 28 cycles(168h)


符合德国DIN EN ISO11997-1测试标准的循环腐蚀复合盐雾箱
1、CETP 0000-L-467全球试验室加速循环腐蚀试验标准中文翻译版
2、浅析福特汽车CETP 0000-L-467测试标准的试验步骤及方法
3、简析通用汽车GMW 1487标准的试验流程及步骤


工作时间:周一至周五 9:00-18:00




